Monday 21 May 2018

Gap of Rohan

I understand that numbers of followers named John have been fretting about this blog and wondering why there was such a gap. Simple. I was in Middle Earth, taking photos.

Before I left these wintry shores in February, I was working on the three trolls from 'The Hobbit'. Unfortunately, a leg went walkabout (or rather, hopabout). So, back to a LOTR Troll. Nearly assembled now that a missing arm has turned up. Hopefully, normal service will resume shortly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ignore the somewhat shaky comment from 'John Curtis' from Botany Bay via Bristol. The poor old boy is now shambling into his 180th year and he's obsessed with overcoats, not undercoats.

I suppose I'll have to grasp the nettle and paint Bag End's front door green. JC