Thursday 30 April 2020

More Hobbits

The Christmas batch of Hobbits took their time due to a period of warm sunny weather when they were all busy in their gardens.
In fact, the Shirriffs were the last to turn up, due to the requirement that they wear white feathers in their hats.

You try persuading a goose weighing in at one and a half stone  to part with a tail feather when you are only four feet tall!
The new set of archers are in the front and their counterparts are behind them.

I found a fine brush that helped with the detail.
The back view as per the Shirriffs above.

The bases were painted with a ringer which was supposed to compare with Mournfang but clearly doesn't.

Maybe a vigorous shake would do it.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Skaven Warp Lighning Cannon 3

At last I've got around to finishing the Warp Lighning Cannon.

Above is the base, shown here because it's mostly hidden beneath the machine itself.

The ratlings are surplus from the previous model.

Perhaps, with the tufts behiond two of them, they look more like hedgehogs.

Unfortunately, the base is not at all the right colour and looking worse here because of my lighting set up - a window on a gloomy day.
I've tried a few shots to show different aspects of it.

Goodness knows who steers the thing or do those two guys get out and push like my Father-in-Law's old car?

Neither do I know what the second rat man does with the huge pair of pliars he carries.
Good fun to paint and build.

Designed well and excellently detailed.

Top marks GW.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Skaven Warp Lighning Cannon 2

Another couple of points that are probably obvious to most but not to me -

There is no need to paint the ends of the axles, as I've stupidly done, as they do not pass through the wheels.
The same does not apply to the small higher axles though don't paint the shaft, only the tip.

Painting the shaft makes fitting them tricky or impossible so you have to scrape it off again, I found!

This is all assuming that you paint the parts separately, which makes sense.

Watch that you get the main frames the correct way round so that the small platforms fit into their correct slots
Here you can see the small supports on the inside of the furthermost beam.

There are no such supports on the other side.

I cannot yet see any assembly reason for the excellent detail on the underside of the two platforms.

Perhaps there is none.

The sun is out, it's the best of spring and I should have a garden fork in my hand.

However, I'm hoping more seed spuds will arrive and I'm the only one here to accept them (apart from a comatose teenager, after all, it's only 11.30 am)

Warp Lightning Cannon

 Despite the allotment calling during this warm and sunny weather lately, I have managed to squueeze in a little work on this Skaven job.

As you can see, it's a clutter of well crafted parts, a really classy model with plenty of detail.

All the more reason to avoid resin.

There are plenty of things to watch with this boy.

Plenty of traps if you don't check out fiting before reaching for the glue.

The assembly guide shows that the spikes on the base struts (axles) point to the rear.

If you end up with a logical assembly, with the spikes on both pointing outwards, defending the machine, the front ones will get in the way of the metal blades, as shown.

(Don't panic! Not yet glued)