Monday, 29 December 2014

Haradrim Spear-men

I opened another box of Haradrim in order to provide enough archers for the Howdah as I did not see the point of spear-men on high. (Is that another dreadful pun?)

This left me with the spear-men from that second box.

I had trouble matching the desert as I'd done the earlier ones before starting my little notebook.

I tried varying them without resorting to a saw blade.

Colours of clothing, rock in front, rock behind (or is that more a Troll?)

Mamuk base

 The base supplied was fun to do but I'll be painting up my own to match the rocky desert theme of the other Haradrim.

Meanwhile, Blue-tack to the rescue.

The whole beastie is rather fragile.

Tusks and particularly the tail look easy to break and the Howdah is rickety.

Not sure how many games it would last.

At 275 points, I'm not likely to find out for a bit.

War Mamuk of Harad

Well, I've had a few tough models but this Mamuk was a real brute (sorry, couldn't resist).

Really though, why not better fixing points for the Howdah - pin and hole?

Even the tail could wander around a bit.

Green stuff required in unexpected places. A rather square trunk that failed to line up. Worst of all, the Howdah failed to sit right without greenstuff support at the front.

I expect most of it was the modeler, not the model.

For the most part, I followed a White Dwarf guide which went for a brown, rather than a red look, then drybrushed scab red.

Of course my rubbish photos don't really give the correct colouring.

Must find that camera manual!