Friday, 14 February 2025

FutureForge online Hobbit Hole B (1)

Sorry. It's been a while. Away with The Settlers.

Back to proper underground dwellings, well, half and half.
That tall chimney makes this either a potters home or a bakery. 
Another terrific fascia from FututreForge online through Etsy.
Windows are from Games Workshop.

I've wanted to put a back door on a Hobbit Hole.
This is edging in the right direction.
Hobbits view living above ground floor is strictly for the birds
but having several floors below ground is perfectly reasonable.
Here, we're halfway there.
That side door is also from FFo.
The front door will be approached via steps
and the produce sold from a lower area, a few steps down.

The side door is settled in nicely and a ramp prepared for the front steps.
They are coffee stirrers coated with 'Dark Earth'.
The doors are in Enchanted Blue, the frame in Altdorf Guard.
The wall is in Vallejo Light Sea Green as is the cross of the window.
The usual varnished 'Shadow Grey' for the glass (it's actually blue).

A move to change the appearance of the fascia for the next hole.
The stack has been taken down by about 1/2 inch
and a piece of ballpoint used as a pot.
It sits on card coated with 'Dark Earth'.
I think they'll shape up nicely.
The other change is coffee stirrer boards  to the left.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

FFO Hobbit Houses 1 and 2 (f)


Path and steps laid though the latter is downright dangerous.
You won't believe the language that came from beneath the 'pointy hat'
when HE came to call and landed full length.
It wasn't, 'Fly you fools!, I can tell you that.

I'm not sure what to put on the back lawn.

The large amount of 'moss' growing up the walls
is to hide the gaps 'twixt beams and brickwork.
The bricks should have gone on first
and the beams placed over them.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

FFO Hobbit Houses 1+2 (e)


The orange background to the red frames
keeps to the Hobbit liking of bright colours
but is a bit less scary than yellow and red.

I've lightly sanded the plasticard walls to provide a surface for the glue.
As it happens, by taking off the spray painted surface
and exposing the card colour it has produced a nice weathered look.
I should have done something similar to the chimney stacks.

Wall bricks in place.
I realised that none of the adhesives I have
would do a great job fixing plastic to polystyrene.
A small tube of Copydex was the answer, if a rather messy one.

I should, of course, have put the card in place before the beams.
The gaps at the edges are small but noticeable.

Because of the card backing to the windows, ordinary PVC worked for them.
I should, however, have left a flange of card for the beam above the windows.
Even now, there may be a change to that beam.

Here's the house, sunk into the base 'hill'.
I'll have to build it up slightly in places.

I'm still unsure what to do with the limited size of the back garden.
The house being so small, I figure it's that of an old 'retired' couple.

Friday, 10 January 2025

FFO Hobbit Houses 1+2 (d)


The 'floor plan' of the second house.
As usual, I made error after error on this.
I first made the building too high,
then, by burying the base, made it too low.
It was supposed to look as if it was on the top of a mound
but looked as if it had been swallowed up by it.

I wanted a different shape for the windows on this one.
At first I chose yellow as the background to the windows
 with bright red surround.
However, they looked like warning signs round Chernobyl.

Do not enter.
Risk of death and foot baldness.

Orange is bright enough.