Saturday 23 January 2016

Two More Trolls

The remaining two trolls have turned up.

The left hand one was based white but I had difficulty with that.

Most areas required two coats to avoid patchiness and there always seemed to be little bits of white showing through.

Anyway, I had to coat the skin grey to give a background colour in nooks and crannies and then went for a lighter brown.

I tried a flesh wash too and then more light brown.

Looking at the photos I realise I need to bring up his lumpy skin areas more.

Note, by the way that he's a poor relation of the other trolls. His armour doesn't match from one arm to the other and his leatherwork is all colours.

He's really hacked off about his situation which is why he's 'hacked off' those heads.

His slightly more upright stance was achieved by putting the forward foot on a higher area of rock.

The base for the left hand one was Rhinox hide enabling me to have a much darker skin.

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