Monday 12 September 2016

This metal model of King Theoden took some painting.

Paint the head, varnish it, paint to the waist, varnish it, paint the arms, varnish them etc.

The usual thing, the paint rubs off as it's being handled.

I've seen folk use a paint tub top and Bluetack to avoid touching the model but I find the figure comes off in no time.

He was painted using the DeAgostin magazines again (Number 29) and White Dwarf 277 and 316.

The Armour is Shining Gold (undercoat Warlock Bronze) and Undercoat Black rather that Abaddon Black as it's glossy.

The shield is Copper rather than gold, again with Undercoat Black decoration.

I use that black for horses eyes too as it shines.

The figure came from Ebay and the hind leg of the horse is rather bent.

I didn't risk trying to put it right.

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