Sunday 29 September 2019

Ruffians 9

The last of the ruffians - another set of triplets.

I've enjoyed painting these characters and modifying them though if GW had produced a proper set of  12 different models I would have finished them ages ago.

The branch the guy on the right has is a piece of plastic frame shaped to a handle at the bottom.

The pin was first inserted into the handle by heating the pin over the gas hob (holding it with pliers!)

Then it could be clipped off to match the hole drilled into the hand and haft of the original club.

I've covered one piece of rope with a large sack which should have 'swag' painted on it.

I tried to vary things by using a Greenstuff 'hood' on one chap but unfortunately it's far too thick and from the rear makes him look like Olivier's Richard III.

The backs show further mods - the keys vanish in one case and in another are covered by a satchel.

You'll notice it has no external fastening - this guy is ahead of his time and uses Velcro.

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