Sunday 29 January 2023

Rohan donkey field


The 'donkey field' is coming along nicely.
It's taken time because I'm fixing the fencing to the base with 'Dark Earth'
which takes time to set.
The other reason is that the fencing comes from several kits
and is supplied with one side piece to every pair of corner pieces.
Result - if you want this kind of straight run,
is lots of carving apart of beams from posts
and then gluing them on to the next piece.
On a couple of occasions I've assumed difficulty getting a post in
and have put two together.
The building is the one that Blake and Gracie put together.
I've tweaked it, hence the elastic bringing the ridge down.

The next job was the fully opening five bar gate.
What larks!
Carefully constructed of split coffee stirrers inscribed to look like grain.
In this shot it's just propped up in place.
However, last night, that's where it was fixed.
Till 1.30 am when it crossed my mind
that it was upside down!
Even now, despite checking images, I'm not sure.
However, it makes sense to me
that the diagonal ends low on the hinged side.
So I carefully took it apart and inverted it.
That left the protruding hitching post pointing downwards!
Next, drill a hole for a pin on what had been the underside.
What have I done with the gate?
2.15 am and for the next ten minutes I'm crawling about,
feeling around on a grey carpet for a miniature five bar gate, also grey!
Found it.
I'd put it safely in a drawer.
Now, can I find a pin!
Eventually find some pin heads kindly donated years ago
by good friend, poet and rubber truncheon collector,
John Curtis.
Old bottom (now top) of gate drilled,
pin head glued in, painted, varnished.
Dark Earth drying.
Now I wait.

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