So here are discovered dormers with correct paint colours.
I'd found them and the GW frontage in a box, already painted up.
It was put there due to one of these invasions that I suffer frequently.
I figured the GW dormers would offer variety to the FFO hole
so they all had to be painted in new colours.
Bricks Balor Brown washed with Casandora Yellow, panes Shadow Grey,
frames Xereus Purple, dormer roofs Rhinox Hide
brushed with Evil Sunz Scarlet.
The GW front will be for an 'ordinary' hole,
When I have some other items.
All three and GW chimneys applied.
I left those in red brick
though it might have been better to match the yellow.
This is to be the Mayors house. Room for paperwork.
The homemade dormers nearly ready.
There are four but I can only use three
as FFO have a delay on deliver of the other window.
I've ordered them but they'll be a while.
In situ on the Mathom House.
The fiendish chimney will be the tricky bit.
Watch this space.
(Though not for a bit as we are in the midst of another in invasion)
This post is simply to show that progress is being made,
if exceedingly slowly.
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