Saturday 24 March 2012

New Paint Range

So that's why all those odd things have been happening lately.

Paints available to me, one at a time instead of in six packs, the unavailability of the 'How to Paint Citadel Miniatures' book (and the sudden appearance of dozens of them on e-bay), the removal of painting advice from GW site.

Why? - It's the all new, singing-dancing paint range. I have to admit, it does sound great. Here's the link to go straight to all the information.

Included on the blog page is a short film telling you all about the paint range and the new 'How to Paint' book (which includes a great DVD showing you how to use all these great new paints).

Right now, I'm off the my nearest Hobby shop to see these paints in action. Oh! Forgot. I've got to open Cotswold Bookstore!

Now what we need, of course, is a COLOUR CONVERSION CHART so that we can use up all those old pots of paint.


andrew wilson said...

here is something off the GW website about the new base paints

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Thanks Andrew. Yes, there's some good stuff there.

Oh! And thanks again for the cake.

andrew wilson said...

and for good measure here is a link to a comparison chart i found

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Thanks again Andrew.