Saturday 9 April 2016

Dol Amroth Knights completed

 No wonder that Prince Imrahil and his crowd barely get a mention in Lord of the Rings, however, I bet Tolkein had less trouble with them than I did.

They might be great looking models when well painted but I'm not up to it.

Painting flat flags is tricky enough, thank you very much, but these wavy ones I found very difficult.

Still, I suppose the answer is blowing in the wind.

Even the armour was a challenge. There are areas where you need some shadow lines such as the shoulders and the wings on the helmets.

Dry brushing over the black base gave me a guide and then I painted in the non-shadow areas to bring them up to the rest of the armour.

The shield faces were sprayed white and the blue painted round the motifs, though not well, I'm afraid.

Another troop that will rarely go to battle as they are so fragile.

(Where they originate is from a hill top town. You may note it's a very rocky hill.)

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