Monday 17 October 2016

Galadhrim Knights 1

The Galadhrim Knights are coming alnong slowly. They are a dreamy lot. I've attempted grey horses as there are white horses opposing them. I'll get the hang of it.

The armour, once again, because of the white basecoat, is tricky. Two coats of Bronze, then two coats of Shining Gold. I've yet to try washing and drybrushing the armour though the centre one has had a flesh wash as an experiment.. The alternative was to spray them black but have the problem of painting grey/white over black.


Unknown said...

why not undercoat with grey I find this to give a good balance on both light and dark areas? then on the armour areas give a hand paint of chaos black (or just black if not using GW) before you start on the gold colours.

The wash of flesh works really well with gold, I use that or agrax earthshade, before reapplying the base gold colour on the raised areas, then if I want a really gold finish, auric armour highlight (not dry brushed) followed by a fine highlight of runefang steel (yeah silver...) I find this contrast with the gold and adds to the bling, like light reflecting of the gold.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Why not indeed. I guess because I've used GW black spray from the start though I often use brown or even red spray for orcs. The reason those colours are in my paint 'shed' is because I used to have a primary school club going and used them to speed up results for the kids.

I do spray a grey undercoat mind. Never thought of painting directly on it.
My gold is undercoated with warlock bronze. I'm onto a Haldir with bow now so I'll put some detail up then but I do plan on using gloss fleshshade on his god. That fine highlight is probably beyond my skill (or patience).

Cotswold Bookstore said...

I mean gold, not God!