Monday 24 April 2017

Speech House 7

 Or 'cunning plan 1'.
See, wot I thought wos, rather than have piles of rubble permanently fixed to any particular ruin, have the rubble heaps on their own bases so that they can be used anywhere. The ones in the group show some cut to fit in corners and others to be away from walls.
 It's the usual ply base with a build up of thick corrugated card which I've plastered with water/glue/filler mix. The back of this one shows this.
Then I've deluged them in 'Slate Beach' and tried to press it into the filler mix.

I'll find out if that's worked when it's try and I give it a tap.

I plan on using a spray varnish to seal it and to provide extra adhesion.

Then a lick of paint and some dry-brushing before gluing on some larger rocks and brick work.

We'll see how it goes.


Unknown said...

This looks cool, and will be if it works.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

It's OK but I should think things through. The larger pieces (not added yet) should be embedded among the small pieces. Now they'll just rest on top unless I add more small stuff.