Friday 3 August 2018

John's Pump.

John's been busy again, pumping iron, or rather old bits of string and junk , for his ever expanding Bag End

I'll let him explain in a comment.

Meanwhile, all work is on hold while the invasion of grandchildren occurs.

Just when I was on a roll!

More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent images as usual, old fruit. Following my usual frugal, if not tight-fisted and miserly methods as usual, this water pump is constructed from old medical safety packaging which were originally intended to prevent accidental 'sharps' injuries when testing my blood sugar level for insulin. Haven't used that particular finger pricker for decades but I still have several dozen unused. I NEVER throw things away................The post is a piece of half-inch x three-quarter inch timber, cut from some pieces left over from the building of a garden shed. The ground pipe is a piece of kebab stick, the spout is a bit of ink tube from a biro, cajoled into keeping it's shape by inserting a little stout, bent wire into it's orifice. Settle down at the back there !
The pump handle is fashioned from double twisted wire cannibalised from a champagne bottle cork closure. The brown lump is lagging which these pumps often had because they tended to leak from the pump/ground pipe connection. I copied the whole thing from a Hobbiton film still of the hobbit hole with the yellow door. Fairly easy to find on 'google', the pump is shown in the garden, with the yellow door to the right of the shot.
Finally, a couple of suitable stones and some tiny sand shingle mixed with PVA glue and allowed to set in situ. The completed pump painted with acrylics. A great pleasure to create, worth all the pills in the world to fight off the dogs of depression.

John Curtis