Saturday 8 September 2018

Eomer's Riders 1

The first pair of riders have leapt into the saddle and charge off to rid the Mark of a few more Orcs.

Colour scheme is pretty much the same as previous riders except that I have given them a red sash ( dark flesh with a blood red high light.

The usual browns for various leather-work with the hair of these two based with Steel Legion Drab and painted up with Yriel/Yellow/white.
As usual, I had trouble doing a reasonable job on the shields.

The white is always too thin and runs onto the green or too thick and stops dead.

Bows are Balor Brown and Mournfang, cloaks are Warboss Green, high lighted with Goblin Green and washed with Thraka but I may decide to go darker with a wash of thinned Orc Flesh Wash.

The sun failed to shine for the photos so they are a little grey but the lack of extreme contrast sometimes allows a little more detail to show.

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