Tuesday 13 November 2018

Rohan Royal Guard and Banner Bearer

I realised that, though the troopers were as finished as I can cope with, the horses were only partially so.

I've given a little more highlighting and finished painting horses head and leather work.

I'd not even given them teeth.

How on earth could we tell their age?

Note that the Royal Guard's horse is one of those expected to balance on one leg.

I have given him a piece of broken fence to tether a front hoof to.

I've yet to finish the rocket but I've cleaned up (washed) the new set of Mahud Warriors purchased from ebay, a few weeks ago.

I look forward to painting those but I'm unsure if I should use primer, then undercoat.

They are partly painted and I don't want to lose too much detail on the shields.

Perhaps I'll try removing some of the paint before I start.

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