Monday 9 March 2020

Mound Tower 1

Trying to put a ruined tower atop a stepped mound involved many cunning plans.

Two tubes (both alike) one inserted into the other with aprox a 5mm gap between.

I've used bubble wrap and polystyrene to block gaps where glue/filler mix has to go.

The remains of one tube can be seen in the background.
There are three layers of soft polystyrene in this stepped mound.

They were too thick for each one to be a step as the resulting steps were about three foot rise.

However, putting two where there was one leaves not enough tread for bases.

It looks OK perhaps but is not game functional, rather like                                                                                                       John's broken bridge steps.

The nails superglued to the wood were for marking brickwork.

That would have worked fine if the filler mix was still wet.

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