Tuesday 3 November 2020

Goblins from Goblin Town


 I've abandoned a look at a different blog set up as I've been busy with invasions, bad head colds and other illness and work on the allotments,
 so I'll stick to this mangled gadget for now.

At last I've got moving, after slotting the Balrog back down the mines, and opened
the starter box of' The Hobbit' Goblins. In the main I've followed the little guide that comes with it though I'm not sure about the use of Carroburg Crimson
for initial shading - seems to large a contrast to me.
When I come to those in The Hobbit Boxed Game, I'll reconsider.

They are not quite finished. A wash on the metal parts and shading on the newly glued rocks will do it, I think. A sprinkle of plank off cuts ties them in with 'Goblin Town' walkways which are in progress. Coffee stirrers come in handy.

I've coloured up some of their bumps and sores.
I might do a spot of yellow there too.


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