Wednesday 16 December 2020

Goblin Town - Bilbo


I've used gloss varnish for both Bilbo and Gandalf as I put a fair bit of work in on them.

I wasn't sure about Balor Brown for his hair but a wash of Agrax Earthshade
browned it off sufficiently to keep J.R.R. happy, I should think.

His coat is Scab Red. An equivalent to that suggested in the White Dwarf.

His waistcoat is another equivalent, or near. I used Knarloc Green. Skin for him and Gandalf is
Cadian Fleshtone washed with Reikland Fleshshade. The scarf I've painted as the hair.

His short trousers are in the supposed equivalent  of Rhinox Hide, Model Colour Burnt Umber,
 which took a wash or two of Agrax before it looked anything like. 

There's a touch of blue on Sting as Goblins count as Orcs as far as it's concerned.

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