Wednesday 23 December 2020

Goblin Town - Dwalin


An excellent model. However, combine the difficulty of putting together the three pieces accurately with a level of incompetence on my part worthy of our Prime Minister, and you have what can only be described as a complete balls up.

He took about three times as long as he should have done because of the errors I made. I decided to paint the arms/hammer separately as, once fixed, they would be in the way of the chest. Fiddling them on after painting though was doing damage to the paintwork so I carefully snipped the plastic 'back' to the component. Unfortunately, the hammer shaft had a bubble in it and snapped when I did so. Then, when gluing the second part of the now two part arms/hammer component in place, I tried fixing the hammer shaft at the same time. Despite waiting till everything set, the shaft was misaligned and had to be 'carved' back into shape.

Finally and impatiently, I glued on the two axes, forgetting that I'd not painted them! This made it difficult to paint the axes and back area armour.

However, he was done, eventually and varnished.
Without tattoos on his head!

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