Wednesday 20 December 2023

New Hobbit Hole(s) 3


After a further hack or three with the saw,
I was still not happy.
So I made two more using the recently arrived hot wire cutter.
I'll find the other one now!.

I've been tinkering with ideas for extra windows.
The right sized card tube and coffee stirrers.
The arching window frame is a problem.
I've tried Greenstuff (recently arrived)
and Balsa but neither worked.

I've re-thought the window arches.
Coffee stirrers are too thick, see above.

One of the new hills coated with Brown Earth.
No pantiles* on the fascia yet though.

Sorry, I've been calling them pantiles but they need to be wobbly! 
Tiles then.

Here's the other hill complete with windows and chimneys.
I've added the two cross pieces to the door as further disguise.

The lean on the chimneys is only partly the closeness of the camera.
John's mixture sinks and maybe shrinks when your back is turned.
I'll sue!

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