Friday 17 February 2017

John's Bridge

That excellent poet, raconteur and refuse collector, John Curtis, has parted with his latest creation, a ruined bridge.

We had much discussion on where the bridge was to be found which ended with the suggestion that on the Anduin south of Minas Tirith would be a likely site.

However, it will be used on other battlefields simply as scenery.

It could, after all, be the start of the stairs leading to Shelob's cave or steps to the top of a cliff.

Thank to you John and thanks too for the other items. The shoe box was particularly useful and, by coincidence, about the right size for a pair of shoes. The articles in the newspaper wrapping was very illuminating, especially after I'd set it alight. Unfortunately the bubble wrap was absolutely useless for wrapping bubbles in. They kept bursting. I'll bring it along, next week, and you can take it back to the shop. Demand your money back and don't let them soft soap you.

If you fancy another project, let me know.

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