Monday 19 June 2017

Beast of Gorgoroth

 Here's the Orc people carrier, the Great Beast of Gorgoroth, with his pannier.

He was sprayed black and then dry brushed with Mechanised, Dawnstone and Admin greys.

The horn was painted Steel Legion Drab and then drybrushed with Karak Stone and Usmabti Bone.

 I regret the Mournfang Brown toenails though.

They could have used a similar treatment.

The copper bronze areas were Warlock Bronze dry brushed Dwarf Bronze and the fabric is Mechrite with Blood Red highlights washed with Agrax.
Now for the tricky bit - these guys, there are ten of them!

I did think about magnetising each one so that they could be removed when killed but they'd only get lost or damaged.

Yes - just noticed that I've not painted the quivers on the beasts back.


Anonymous said...

Not unlike the Hedgehog community bus which I ride each Friday. Perhaps the Beast serviced places like Mordor in the Murk. Even orcs need a little excursion now and then. First class piece of work, beautifully painted. I've been looking at this model on google and a fair few are nowhere near as well done. I see the hand of the master here, though to be fair, I expect you did a quite a lot of it. John

Anonymous said...

A brief afterthought....Where is the track of beastpats ? I would expect a horticulturally minded orc to be following behind with a bucket and shovel. I know my old Uncle Bill would have and he wasn't even an orc. John

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Nah. It's nothing like an expert job. Right down to his brown toenails.

I do like your thought about the base though. One is not provided with this fellow but a heap or two on the one that I'll eventually make will really give it that little something. Or rather a big something.
I remember your Uncle Bill. Half Troll wasn't he?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention the ten extras. At the moment they look startlingly like mini-trolls who have been caught out by an unexpected sunrise. Incidentally, trolls must be denser than a really dense thing infested with Denseum Densillia and being treated by a terminally dense doctor. It never occurs to them that for millions upon millions of years the sun rises every morning. So again and again they glance at each other and say, "Looks like its going to be a nice da................" Clunk ! Sound of a dim-witted troll being petrified)...........I can see that your work is going to be cut out, as Louis XVI said to Monsieur Silhouette...........I shall take mercy on you and finish here. John