Sunday 16 December 2018

Catapult Troll

 Our catapult Troll ('our' because my old mucker, John Curtis, is busy constructing a catapult)

I feel that too many limitations are put on Trolls so that they all turn up with pink fronts and grey backs.

I starting him off with an undercoat spray of Caliban Green.

The painting started with various dry brushings.

The chest in Vomit Brown, the front of legs and inner arms are Balor Brown,

The back, working downwards from Steel Legion Drab to Mournfang Brown with much of the feet and toenails retaining much of the original green

I then used washes,  Cassandora Yellow for the front, Carroburg Crimson for the back and legs and a splash of Guilliman Blue on the feet.

Some of the 'rocks' are balls of left over Greenstuff, others are stones from the drive.

I glued on some smaller stuff first as, obviously, the Troll, with the huge wheelbarrow, who delivers the ammunition, would have tipped the rocks on the pile, none too gently, and there would be fragments of stone everywhere.

As usual, when I see these models on the blog, I realise that they are unfinished.

I have noticed that his teeth and eyes are unpainted.

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