Sunday 3 February 2019

John's Catapult Completed

Some sunlit shots of John's scratch built catapult now it's 'completed'.

I've now noticed that the metal tyres could do with a bit of rust.

Also, I think John and I discussed having a metal support where the rope is attached to the arm.

Again, where the machine jumps forward, those metal prongs jab into the soil.
Unfortunately, on this occasion, the soil in front was of a different type, left there by a passing Beast of Gorgorath.

Indeed, you can see exactly what it was passing.

I'm worried about that back tyre - does it look flat to you?

Another of John's man made rocks.

I thing he mentioned Scots porridge oats?

Now to sort out an Orc team and, at some point, recruit a Troll.

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