Friday 1 February 2019

John's Catapult modified

 A few changes to John's Catapult with the aim of leaving it a little more GW than at present.

First was the removal of John's bootlace from his counterweight rock.

In doing so I exposed areas of the rock previously hidden and discovered that this was a man made rock, not the real thing, as I'd previously thought.

However, it's an excellent rock and will look great painted.

(I'm afraid the lace is no use now John, you'll have to buy another)
 Then, to replace the bootlace with iron bars, I painted thin strips of card, black and then Boltgun.

The edges too had to be painted and I realised too late that painting the card before cutting the strips would have been the smart thing to do.

The card I used was a greetings card left over from the shop closure.

 Here are the first strips glued on with super glue.

I fixed the first end while curling the remainder round the rock to make sure it would end up in roughly the right place.

As you can see, I've started doing a little painting while waiting for the glue to really set.
So here we are with it all  painted up and an unfortunate blue hue for some reason.

Next the wheels, or the axles rather, as the wheels are done.

The next stage may have to await the arrival of my drill from China and the mental completion of my next cunning plan.

I hope you like it so far John.

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