Tuesday 8 October 2019

Gandalf the Grey Mounted

Here's the second of the three Gandalfs in that package.

The cloak was worked up through Mechanicus Standard Grey through Dawnstone to Fortress and White edging highlights

Then it was washed with Nuln Oil and the highlights brought up again through the greys.

His hat, on the previous model, I thought too blue, so this is Dawnstone/Shadow Grey with a Fortress/Shadow Grey Highlight.

The horse is Mournfang, the leather, Rhinox Hide.

Note the three white ankles and one dark brown one and the odd hoof colours.

I tried to have the base as per the recent Hobbits but with Ruffian grey rocks (which I might change)

The last Gandalf is not far behind, then it's Faramir and Faramir mounted.

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