Saturday 23 November 2019

One Week Only Orcs 4

Here's the last of the one week Orcs, the four bowmen.

It will be the last of me too, for a while, as I prep 10 metal Khandish Warriors
These chaps were the most difficult of this tranche of Orcs, mostly because they have lots of little crooks and nannies to get paint into.

Enjoyable to paint though and neat models though there were occasionally odd bits of metal that I couldn't work out. I simply hacked most of them out. They also seem to be not quite finished, in places.

I was unsure of the colour of the fletchings but took my own way in the end. The only illustrations I could find seemed to indicate grey - plain uncoloured goose feathers. I think there's something early in The Hobbit (film) that shows them but I thought I'd go for 'poisonous' colours, sickly green and yellow, and blood red. Seemed more in keeping. Sorry Peter.

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