Monday 5 July 2021

Hobbit Hole 1

The invaders are here and it's allotment time so very little is getting done.

I did some more machinery for the Skaven but can't get at it because of the visitors.

I've also made a start on one of the two Hobbit Holes. The side I've started was sprayed with Cobra dark brown (Rhinox equivalent) The bricks are in Death Claw brown though I think Skrag was recommended. The wood was then painted with Model Colour Burnt Umber (and dry brushed with Karak Stone then washed with Seraphim Sepia though not yet done in this shot). The tiles - Mournfang, then Wazdaka, finally Squig Orange, using less paint each time. The bricks surrounding the door I washed brown as the mortar wasn't showing. 

I'll experiment with the black painted chimneys but think the brown spray works well.

I've gone mad and purchased some Rhinox and Scrag and a Warpainter flower set from a little shop
in Weymouth. Also from him, some Greenstuff for Osgiliath Vets when I get around to them.

Madder still - I've sent for two Rohan Houses from Wayland Games (% cheaper) and two small
out buildings and a medieval cottage from Renadra. Don't know if they'll work but worth a try.

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