Thursday 15 July 2021

Hobbit Holes 4

I'm finding inventive ways of cocking things up. Using old filler is one - it sets too quick. Then there's the advisability of checking from all angles. The tall chimney leans a little and the window on the right does a lot - so out it will come. I'll reset it later but perhaps leave the chimney as it is and hope that it doesn't come through the roof in the next high wind.

The patch of green painted poly, on the right, is a check on what undercoat looks best.

Above - an experimental path which may well put the first hobbit to use it in need of athelas.

I've put pieces of slate under the frontage with a view to giving it steps to the front door.
I've also topped the frontage with timber tiles which are painted in the same way as those at the windowsill and on the dormers.

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