Monday 23 August 2021

Hobbit Hole - nearly there

 Nearly there!

Sandyman turned up and erected the fence in the morning. 
Then spent all afternoon leaning on it.

Amazingly, overnight, a couple of cauliflowers have popped up.
Same idea. Milliput round a pin head, then green painted silver foil leaves
wrapped around it. 
Finger prints make a good pattern on the cauli.
Tricky getting the size of the leaves right though. A hole punch would be handy.

I've made a start on the rough sandy path from the gate and will lead it
over a slight rise and away to the right.

At the rear, I've applied 'Brown Earth. Once it's dry, it will be grass covered.
I may glue the whole thing to a hardboard or ply base to provide more strength.

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