Wednesday 31 January 2024

New Hobbit Holes 10


The next two Hobbit Hole facias are just about done.
I've tried to disguise them from the earlier originals.
The upper one has all the brickwork exposed,
not covered in planks and the heavy timbers are grey (old, worn),
not brown, as in the very first one.
The lower one has grey timbers as opposed to brown
and the plasterwork is heavily inscribed and dark.
The main remaining task are the 'tiles'.

I've tried all sorts of things to produce a similar dormer
 to the GW one on the right.
Finally I went for coffee stirrers (not overlapping)
and filled the face with heavy card. 
The window will just have to be perched on it
rather than set into it as GW.

So now they are shaping up.
With 3 grey ones I can release two GW dormers.
This means I can put an extra window into two of the earlier Holes.
I've had complaints by residents that the interiors are gloomy.
The extra window will allow much more light inside.
I'll still have to concoct some chimneys

I've also knocked up
(after the usual run of mistakes)
a rear door.
(FutureForgeOnline door on brick-look plastic)

I've set it with the planks running horizontally.
The new windows are a real jump up in size.

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