Friday 5 January 2024

New Hobbit Holes 6


I had three stabs at a bench for a Hobbit to sit on.
The first, on the right here, was OK for a Bree cottage
or a stable in Rohan but it was too big for a Hobbit Hole.
The one next to it, I made using balsa
but I thought it too small.
The third one I made, also from balsa, was perfect.
However, just then, this little girl bounced in singing,
waving her goldilocks about, sat on it and kaboom!
The result is in the foreground.

Now I've got some grass laid but it's another cock up by the planning department.
The roof grass is 6mm autumn and is clearly too long.
Sam had a go at hacking it back with his sheers but it was taking too long.
In the end, I asked Saruman if he could come up with something
with his mind of metal and wheels.
He suggested using my electric shaver. Perfect!
The grass under the replacement bench is
WWScenics 2mm Spring which is much better for the lawn.
Perhaps 4mm for the roof?

The Reed Mace, in the foreground, are just Greenstuff
on garden wire and bristles from a bass broom.
The leaves and painted paper cut to shape.

Bull rushes of Reed Mace placed,
bench and flower trough in situ.
Still no sign of the planning people sending the remaining fence posts.
(Actually, the planning department are so bad
that I'm starting to think they are a figment of my imagination)

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