Saturday 6 October 2012

Land Speeder and Commander

Here's how the Land Speeder and Commander are coming along.

The flat large surface areas are worrying me more than the fine detail on the Speeder.

Not only are there colour changes in the blue but also I seem to be finding a lot of dust now that I'm painting downstairs and not in my 'office'.

Though they are taking me ages, it's all a bit rushed as I have limited time.

Jack called in today with some Grots and an Ork so we'll have pics of those up here soon.

(He has his eye on the Limited Edition box set)


Unknown said...

That's my commander that will fight till the death
he will not give up FOR THE EMPOROR! (that is actuley mine by the way)

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Yeah, Yeah. OK Lewis. He's all yours now he's finished. See you soon and I'll hand him over all perched on his rock.

The Land Speeder is yours too, you know.

It's been slow going as I've been watching 'Homeland' with Niles and Heather instead of painting!