Wednesday 23 January 2019

Weapon Swap

 Here be they weapon swap Morannon Orcs.

Actually, the first two pairs are not weapon swap, merely suffered an adjustment to be made to their weapon's position.

The fellow on the left is always the new one, the one on the right is the original painted some time back.
 In each case I've tried to make as many changes as I could within the restrictions of 'dark armour and items of red clothing.

In each case I've changed the skin and hair colour and altered any clothing that is not red.
These two pics are genuine weapon swaps.

Simple enough by sawing them both off at the wrist.

I've not used pins.but placed the join using a small amount of plastic cement and when firm used super glue's ability as a gap filler as extra strength.

Too much plastic cement softens the join and leaves it weak.
A back view might give a better idea of the clothing and hair changes.

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