Monday 21 January 2019

First Mordor Catapult

 Here's the first catapult off the blocks.

The light brown base coat washed a couple of times in Nuln Oil seems OK, I'm just unsure about the rest of it.

It's very tricky to paint once assembled, especially this one as I've mislaid the small gizmo that keeps the arm in position.

This means the damn thing constantly flaps about and gets between your eye and the brush.

I think the metal needs more rust and grime.

The wheels I did a more conventional way, painting them with Mournfang, a light drybrush with Balor Brown and then a wash with Nuln Oil.

Both rocks are worked up from a base of Mechanised Standard through dry brushes of Dawnstone, Fortress and a light brush of white.

Then the iron bands, tyres and the bucket etc were painted black and then Boltgun.

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