Wednesday 30 January 2019

Gamling mounted with Royal Standard

I've two of these models, bought from Ebay, I guess, and, for several reasons, they are a bit beyond my ability to make them look good.

This is the first of the two and I've plucked up the courage needed to try for some sort of horsey design* on the kinky green flag.

It's still a bit ragged round the edges but I've got to the point where every attempt to improve it only makes things worse.

The other area I'm a total failure at is the detail required on his armour.

Note though, that as usual, I'm showing a view from the other side of the model.

There's quite an amount of detail there and it's damn near impossible to find an image showing it - until now!

* At the ever ready advice from John, at the siege equipment workshop, I used a simplified design for the banner.

It's similar to the one he mailed me, though his actually looks like a horse!

Yes, it's gloss varnished and I am aware the spear point is missing.

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