Friday 24 March 2017

John's Oak 2

Now for the truth.

John photographed this real tree and then hired a 3D printer to produce a copy of the trunk and lower branches.

The printer caught fire while trying to produce the 376,000 leaves.


Unknown said...

Did it really catch fire? hahaha

Cotswold Bookstore said...

No, just melted.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

John 'the tree maker' sent this by camel post. He's not got the hang of this new fangled machine, the 1903 Remington typewriter, let alone a computer, so was unable to post it on the blog.

To be frank, ( Confusing, I've always called him John - Ed) in the beginning the universe was a sparse and, to be honest, a scant place. In the first few nanoseconds when it was still no larger than a gnat's wedding tackle it consisted of little more than second hand tea leaves, porridge oats, glue and the cardboard inner tubes of lavatory rolls left over from the Big Bang and, incidentally, that was a nanosecond to remember. And from this redundant detritus, The Creator - Mois -, fashioned the Tree of Lif (later known as the tree of life but you have to bear in mind that spelling hadn't been thought of then or as was famously said "Thot if thon'. Thank you Lewis, for your much appreciated comment. John C'

Unknown said...

If it were not for Google, I would not have understood most of the words used in John's message. Despite understanding the definition of the used words, I still haven't the slightest idea about half of what was written. I do, however, understand the thank you part, and would like to reply with a simple reply, that being, 'No Problem'.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

I'll translate some time.

Unknown said...

I prefer this layout

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Which one. he old or new? I've set it now as the old one but with a brown background for the time being.

Unknown said...

The current (old I guess) one. Just easier to use and view images.