Thursday 30 March 2017


I'm working on Ugluk, shown, and, almost as a batch lot, three crossbow men with their leader Vrasku and three Mordor Uruk Hai.

Ugluk is nearly done though I've yet to decide if I can take a shine to him in his gloss varnish or if I should use matt varnish to dull it down.

Not too much trouble with metal protuding this time, though I figured gloss varnish would make sure of it.

I also have to paint round the base but I'll do that when they're all ready.

A package of Minas Tirith soldiery arrived from Ebay during the week.

They will eventually join the Osgiliath Vets.

'Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!'


Unknown said...

The blood effect looks really good.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

I think I need some more on his sword.

Unknown said...

What about on the head's neck?

Cotswold Bookstore said...

There is some Lewis but it cannot be seen from that camera angle. The neck bone is also there.

Unknown said...

Yeah I can see the bone, gruesome.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

I'm still working on the four crossbow men but should have them done later today. Then the bases.