Monday 22 May 2017

Citadel Guard unfinished

I regret that the guard have marched as far as they can. I cannot locate my plastic sheet of 'flag stones'. The bases will just have to wait till it turns up and, in the meantime, get on with that blessed gate, a new ruin, and the kilted ones, The clansmen of Lamedon. I shall endevour to give them something like the Thyme Tartan.


Anonymous said...

You have surpassed yourself, old hobbit. These are probably some of your most transcendent pictures. The subtle lack of pictorial presence giving them the timeless quality of a blank canvas upon which we can project our own view. essentially a mise en scene containing no distracting elements of colour, figurative allusion or gross reality. You Sir, are a genii. John

Cotswold Bookstore said...

I'd considered leaving out the text too but thought that a step too far.