Friday 19 May 2017

John's Wight and bungalow

Here are John's latest creations.

Not GW but certainly Tolkien.

John took his inspiration for his ancient barrow from the Royston Vasey tortoise after Vet Chinnery had done with it.

I like the balanced rocks John. What do you call them?

If they look like real stone, that's because they are.

All except the one on top which John assures me is made from microwaved custard coated in brown paper.

Here you can peer into the murky depths where innumerable wanderers have met their demise.

Don't worry. Nutty Tom Bombadil will sort it out.

The wight, tucked up for the night.

I don't know why the colour change.

Thinks - must learn how to set white balance.


Unknown said...

These look great, really creepy. Don't the Hobbits lose their weaponry whilst escaping the Wights? Can't quite remember.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

And their underpants! Actually, I think they gain some weapons. Doesn't Tom hand them some swords? I'll look it up later.

Unknown said...

I know that Aragorn does, can't quite remeber about Bombadil.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Just looked it up on Wiki. Tom certainly gave them swords. I presume from the barrow. I'll try to find it in the book. - Yes, he gave them four leaf shaped daggers from the mound.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh, okay. I'm sure that they lose some kind of item, a belt or something?

Cotswold Bookstore said...

They lose everything including their clothes. They have to fetch new kit from their bags.

Cotswold Bookstore said...

Ah! Tom nicked a belt for Goldberry.

Unknown said...

Oh okay, thought there was something.